What is the origin of the Earth? Was it a Big Bang or are we sitting on top of a giant turtle shell on top of other turtle shells?
Installation Still from Cubed : Luminous Festival ACRE TV
UWF Pensacola Museum of Art
JumbleTron was curated by Kera MacKenzie and Andrew Mausert-Mooney (video artists and co-directors of ACRE TV) and Joseph Herring (House Pencil Green, video and performance artist and frequent collaborator with ACRE TV).
LED Panel

What is the origin of the Earth? Was it a Big Bang or are we sitting on top of a giant turtle shell on top of other turtle shells?
Installation Still from Cubed : Luminous Festival ACRE TV
UWF Pensacola Museum of Art
JumbleTron was curated by Kera MacKenzie and Andrew Mausert-Mooney (video artists and co-directors of ACRE TV) and Joseph Herring (House Pencil Green, video and performance artist and frequent collaborator with ACRE TV).
LED Panel